MONASTERY of the Glorious Ascension
“Stop pussyfooting around and join the Church already” - These are the first words I remember Mother Tamara speaking to me when I met her back in 2010. The previous few years I had visited the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension located atop of wooded mountain in the sleepy civil war town of Resaca, GA. Then one day I went to visit the monks only to find out they had all move to Long Island in New York. Little did I know it was to my benefit. Over the last 13 years Mother Tamara has become like a real mother to me. We have built an honest friendship, and she shoots me strait. She has recently moved from Georgia to Ohio, and is thus no longer on my normal path between Nashville and Atlanta, so I’m not able to see her with any regularity. I hope the photos below represent her well. She’s a treasure for any who experience her hospitality, faith, and sass. Here is an article about the founding of the monastery, but don’t forget the photos. :-)